Dam| Dam plays a very important role in various fields. But there are also disadvantages of dams that are also bad for human lives. Dams provide live…
Read moreBungee Jumping in India| Bungee Jumping is one of the most thrilling sport/activity. Bungee jumping in India in this topic refers to Some of top Bu…
Read moreGuinness World Records| Guinness World Records are Recognized all around the world. These Guinness Record have a huge history for their beginning. G…
Read moreTitanic| Titanic was the biggest ship ever made on the Planet. Titanic was a British traveler liner Operated by White Star Line. The Titanic Makers …
Read moreHimalayas| Himalayas or Himalaya is the world's biggest Mountain range in Asia. Himalayas is the home o many highest peaks in the world like Mou…
Read moreParagliding| Paragliding is very interesting activity to do. There are many Paragliding Places in India but only the Best paragliding Places in India…
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